As I texted to the friend who forwarded it to me: I'm not really saddened by [Dave's death]. It seems so Dave. He just wasn't willing to bend to the world and I think that's kind of rare and wonderful.
His death is definitely going to give me pause for the rest of the day and maybe the weekend, but it's more of a victory for him than giving in and writing copy to sell boner pills on some stupid website would have been. It actually makes me a little proud for him that he was able to live life on his terms and thumb his nose at the rest of us and death rather than move to the middle.
Of course, after the weekend, it's back in line for me.
Are you still in Kentucky? Do you know if anyone ran an obituary for him? Do you think I should send this to the Carter County Times? For awhile no one knew except me, so I'm trying to at least let everyone know.
Thanks for writing this fitting tribute to Dave.
As I texted to the friend who forwarded it to me: I'm not really saddened by [Dave's death]. It seems so Dave. He just wasn't willing to bend to the world and I think that's kind of rare and wonderful.
His death is definitely going to give me pause for the rest of the day and maybe the weekend, but it's more of a victory for him than giving in and writing copy to sell boner pills on some stupid website would have been. It actually makes me a little proud for him that he was able to live life on his terms and thumb his nose at the rest of us and death rather than move to the middle.
Of course, after the weekend, it's back in line for me.
I'm so sorry, Dave.
Are you still in Kentucky? Do you know if anyone ran an obituary for him? Do you think I should send this to the Carter County Times? For awhile no one knew except me, so I'm trying to at least let everyone know.
Such a tragedy.