Burn like a slave
Churn like a cog
We are caged in simulations
Algorithms evolve
Push us aside and render us obsolete
This means war
With your creator
Crash out
Comment of the Week
Stephen Guerin on The Tale of Jini & the Missing Objects:
Great post, Chris!
Bill's JINI combined with Chris Langton's SWARM was a great promise for me in 1998 (before centralization of the web) and was a motivation to move to Santa Fe. see Tom Petzinger's WSJ article:
In addition to Bill Joy/JINI - geeks building web3 should look to Sun Alum, Owen Densmore, ((from Xerox -> Apple -> Sun -> Santa Fe):) responsible for your Mac, desktop publishing, NeWs, agentscript.org).
bind your agents (partial-encapsulation of behavior in addition to data) to self-sovereign URLs and form decentralized trusted groups - less of a need for blockchain on untrusted networks.
Also Randy Smith's Self for the promise of Alan Kay's networked objects.
Perfecting Equilibrium Stories
Feola Elsewhere on the Internet
ImagingUSA 2025: Three days. 10,000 pro photographers.
The Professional Photographers of America's annual megaconference comes to Texas
By cjfeola in Photo Industry News on Feb 26, 2025
“Is that a Pentax 17? Can I see it? Please?”
There were two Pentaxes among the sea of cameras carried by the thousands of photographers attending Imaging USA 2025, the annual conference of the Professional Photographers of America.
I know there were two because I was carrying them: my Pentax 17 loaded with Harmon Phoenix 200 for colour images, and my Pentax K-3 III Monochrome for black & white shots.
Easter Eggs
My brain is a peculiar place; it likes to play word association, and then play back songs with those words. Here are the songs playing in my mind as I wrote these articles.
Next on Perfecting Equilibrium
Friday March 7th - Foto.Feola.Friday
Sunday, March 9th — The things that pass for knowledge I can't understand; What’s the point of smart data? Aren’t computers wizardly already? Don’t we all carry the sum of human knowledge in our smartphones? No edifice is stronger than its architecture; computing architecture is still stuck in 1995.