One of the fun things about shooting film cameras is the ability to change your sensor by changing the emulsion you shoot. You can try sensible subtle variations, like Kodak Ektachrome 100 slide film versus Kodak Ektra 100 color negative film.
Or you can go crazy and shoot all sorts of recovered film stocks. Like our subject this week, Robot Rolls 40 Percent Ortho-Litho Film. Our friend Bret Bolton recovers all sorts of odd and wonderful films, hand loads them, and then sells them for ridiculously low prices on his Etsy site. Here’s what he says about 40 Percent:
"40 Percent" is a hand rolled film from my personal film freezer.
These are 24 exposure (24+) rolls of an Ortho-Litho film. We rated it at 10 ISO. The origin of this film is unknown.
This is ORTHO LITHO film, with very low red sensitivity and high contrast. This also makes it a lot of fun to shoot and has a very unique look.
I shot one roll, and had it processed normally. It’s crazy contrasty! Does it go in the bag? Yes! To me 40 Percent is like a fisheye or ultratelephoto lens: 90 percent of the time you don’t need it. The other 10 percent of the time you get excellent results you couldn’t have achieved any other way. Recommended!
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