For the last few weeks we’ve been trying out a series of graphics generating AIs for building a steampunk Speed Graphic camera for marketing collateral for Feola Factory. Now we’ve settled on the one from Adobe Photoshop Generative Fill, and are creating larger versions using the Expand AI tool. We’re developing marketing graphics for Feola Factory as an exercise to understand how and when AI tools are useful.
Adobe Photoshop:
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Next on Perfecting Equilibrium
Friday March 1st - Foto.Feola.Friday
Sunday March 3rd — Tick-Tock on the clock. Bet the mortgage on this one: The Game of Thrones books will never be finished. There’s a new Marvel Universe entry every week; if you miss one none of the rest make sense. The Wheel of Time guy died before finishing all 14 books of his trilogy. There are apparently no book editors left anywhere; every successful novelist fluffs 300-page novels out past 1,000 pages. It’s no wonder TikTok is so popular when long-form entertainment simply isn’t worth the investment.
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