I’ve gone on and on about how Large Language Models — so-called AIs — are crippled by training on bad data. Garbage In; Garbage Out! So let’s build a local LLM and feed it good data for a specific purpose. Welcome to Virtual Grad Student! We’re going to set up a Large Language Model to run locally, feed it a clean set of data, then make it available to authors as a virtual writer’s assistant. For example, to pull together a few paragraphs of background on Roman aqueduct architecture. Today we're walking through h2oGPT options.
The h2oGPT open source Large Language Model
Common Corpus, the largest public domain dataset for training LLMs
Part 1 of Build Your Own AI
Next on Perfecting Equilibrium
Friday March 29th - Foto.Feola.Friday
Sunday March 31st — About that time I accidentally spent all my money on lenses. And tripods. And art. Every month for four years and fourth months... I was a typical soldier; always broke. But I was probably the only soldier ever broke because I’d spent every last dollar on Pentax lenses and woodblock prints…
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