I shot a roll of Ilford HP5 black and white film as soon as I got the Pentax 17 and dropped it off for processing. This is a test roll meant to help me understand the camera’s exposure controls, the lens, and the zone focusing system. Nothing too exciting, but I thought I’d share. (Note: This is the same video that ran in yesterday’s Vlog.)
Next on Perfecting Equilibrium
Sunday August 18th — About that time I got banned from the Pacific Rim; When I fight authority authority always wins: What’s the worst trouble you’ve ever gotten yourself in? Ever been told to leave town? Ever been asked to leave a club and never return? A city? A state? Ever been declared persona non grata and been thrown out of a country? I wrote a story that so enraged the Pentagon that they banned me from the Pacific Rim. They also chiseled my name off the newsroom wall. They also fired my publisher, which is a lot less funny. Though very little of it was funny at the time.