Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
On Monday, the moon will block out the sun and create a path of unnatural night across North America on April 8. Starting from the Pacific Ocean, the total eclipse of the sun will enter Mexico around noon, then head up through Texas north and east to the Great Lakes. From there the path of totality will follow the US-Canadian border before heading out into the Atlantic in the early evening, after which a partial eclipse will be visible from Great Britain and Ireland. If you miss it, you can catch the next North American total solar eclipse on Aug. 23, 2044.
So I thought I’d share a complete guide we put together on Pentax Forums for photographing the eclipse:
As to the latter, a Pentax Forums photography challenge requires photos taken with a Pentax camera, natch.
Happy snapping!
Next on Perfecting Equilibrium
Sunday, April 7 — Still Wobbly After All These Years; Perfecting Equilibrium enters Year Three, plus a look back over the first two years.
Sunday, April 14 — About that time I accidentally spent all my money on lenses. And tripods. And art. Every month for four years and fourth months... A soldier and his pay are soon parted, everyone knows. And I was no different. But I’m probably the only soldier ever who blew all his money on Pentax lenses and woodblock prints.