But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
Like a rainbow
Comment of the Week
Steve Ross on More Ektachrome 100 and the Pentax 17
How well do the E160 slide frames scan compared to color negatives? Any massive color or contrast fudging?
I love contrast and saturation. Was looking at stacks of old Kodachrome 25 slides a few weeks ago. COLOR. And MORE COLOR. In those days, I shot e160 when I needed the ASA (ISO to you young'ns) ... and I liked it, but not as much as K25. Projected, slides are seen at about 50x; color and contrast fooled the eye into interpreting it as resolution.
I wanted to eliminate scanning as a variable for these film compares, so I’ve been having my lab — the excellent Legacy Photo Lab of Fort Worth — do their best quality scan. They use a Noritsu HS-1800 scanner to produce 16-bit TIFFs. So far the Ektachrome colors are just amazing. Not quite Kodachrome, but close enough that I don’t really miss it.
Perfecting Equilibrium Stories
Easter Eggs
My brain is a peculiar place; it likes to play word association, and then play back songs with those words. Here are the songs playing in my mind as I wrote these articles.
Next on Perfecting Equilibrium
Friday February 21st - Foto.Feola.Friday
Sunday, February 23rd — Are there 200- and 300-year-olds getting Social Security? This week’s reveal the Social Security database lists 1.4 million living Americans over the age of 150 is shocking. And funny. But it’s not an answer. The Iron Law of Computer-Assisted Reporting still rules: Computers give you questions, not answers. It’s good we have the questions. Now we have to figure out those answers.