Take me back
To the world gone away
Seem like yesterday
Oh, old days
Good times I remember
Gold days Days I'll always treasure
One of the crazier benefits of being a Pentax guy is all the lenses I've acquired over the years work just as well on my brand new K-3 III Monochrome as they did on my MX 35mm film camera back when you Uber'd places on the back of a stegosaurus. Over that time I've collected some oddball favorites, including the SMC Pentax-M 135mm F3.5. I bought it because it was cheap, and just thought it would fall out of my bag once I dropped a month's salary on the legendary SMC Pentax-A* 135mm F1.8.
But the 3.5 turned out to be the Little Lens That Could, and is still in the corner of my bag. It's small and light and somehow is just easy to shoot. Here are a few shots with it from one of my daily photowalks.
Next on Perfecting Equilibrium
Sunday March 17th — While the screamers shout, America quietly works just fine. It’s fashionable to talk about how American government no longer works, and to point out the latest Washington shenanigans. Perhaps. But all over America Americans are quietly and calmly governing themselves. Here’s a little story about that. Last month Ft. Worth asked 72 people to show up for jury duty. All 72 showed up. Six times. And were smart and quiet and extremely respectful discussing an extraordinarily distressing case.
$47 vs $1,291, that is quite a price spread. I would take the $47 dollar one and use the left over cash for film 😁😁😁
Great pix. I've shown up for jury duty a dozen times or more... and have never been chosen to actually hear a case. But I do also still have and use my Pentax 135 f/3.5. Do I keep my good citizen/photographer badge?